Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good week at camp

I spent Mon-Wed at camp with Chris and five other boys. Our boys were all in full uniform. They were chosen to participate in a special Honor Campfire program where we retired a flag. They had all of our scouts in front giving the scout sign as the rest of the campers filed in.

I enjoyed carving and helping the boys with their merit badges. All of our boys earned archery, basketry, pioneering, and environmental science. They also participated in the COPE course. They made a big pioneering tower in our campsite. They also earned the Wakara Arrow award which required that they do 2 hours of service while at camp, wear full uniform, and be on time to all campfires, flag ceremonies, and meetings. We did the trash run for the entire camp and fixed arrows at the archery range for our service.


Some Carvings I have done