Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Concerns about mom

We have been struggling with what to do about the care of my mom. While her ability to converse has improved, her ability to care for herself is still lacking in many areas. We are trying to get the nurses and administration at the care facility to understand. I have big concerns. It is hard to know what to do.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

We had some pretty severe weather for Labor Day. Sort of changed our plans. Mom was on her walk when it hit. Cathy and Diana both had an umbrella trying to keep her dry. It was dumping buckets and hailing a bit. Later in the afternoon I took the kids to see Kung-Fu Panda. We all enjoyed it. Cathy and I did some shopping together. We finally replaced our dish washer that broke back in May. That should make things a little easier.


Some Carvings I have done