Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Apples to Apples

Interesting day today. Cathy came downstairs to find my mom sitting on the floor. Apparently she had tried to get up herself and get to her wheelchair, but slipped and sat down on the floor. Cathy said she found her in a very cheerful mood waiting for someone to help.

Cathy had her walk halfway down the wheelchair ramp and back, then at scripture reading time we had her walk into the living room, back to the bathroom so we could empty her catheter bag, and then to her bed. This is the most walking she has done since she got to our house.

We played Apples to Apples for family night last night. We got my mom to play. She got a bit frustrated trying to figure out what card to put down, and when it came her turn to be the judge she struggled a bit to choose a winner of the round, but I could tell that the game was getting her to think.

Julie shaved off part of one of her eyebrows today and put on some of Cathy's makeup. Cathy said she did a decent job with the makeup, but her 1/2 eyebrow looks a bit funny. I hope she learned her lesson. She wants to grow up too fast I guess. She tried cutting her own hair last week and got her bangs too short. We told her we would be glad to help if she wanted her hair a bit shorter. Silly girl. It is a good thing she is so cute.

1 comment:

jeannesioux said...

Yes, she is a cutie pie.


Some Carvings I have done