Monday, July 28, 2008

Fishing trip

Since we had to pick up the camping equipment from girls' camp we decided to take all of the kids and go fishing at Electric Lake afterward. Cathy's former visiting teaching companion Cassey DeQuatro offered to stay with mom for the day. We babysit her four kids often. We helped the girls camp people pack up all of the gear then headed to the lake. John caught a few fish, but nobody else had much luck, but we enjoyed being outdoors. We haven't gotten out much the past two months, especially Cathy. Since we didn't have much luck at Electric Lake we headed down to Lower Fish Creek. Sarah caught a small fish, Ben caught his finger, and the rest of the kids got some practice casting.

I think I'm going to take some of the older kids backpacking in the Uintahs this weekend and see if we can have better luck.

I'm getting ready for summer camp next week. I made 11 carved bolo ties. I always give one to each scout that goes with me. I'm also making neckerchiefs and staves. I bought a plastic Scooby Doo figure and some moose finger puppets. I put them on top of the staves. They look pretty good. One kid is a basketball fanatic so I got a basketball player trophy top from DI and put that on top of a stave for him. They look pretty good.

Mom enjoyed Saturday with sister DeQuatro. We had her walk up 1/2 of the wheelchair ramp after church yesterday. She didn't think she could do it, but she made it just fine. She complained a bit. We also had her walk to the living room for scripture reading and then back to her bed. She is able to stand up out of the wheelchair or bed by herself all of the time now. The bed sores on her behind are almost all healed now. The sores on her heels are taking longer. I have noticed that she has much more feeling in her feet now, which is a good sign. She is more interested in what the kids are doing and smiles a lot more. It is nice to see.

1 comment:

jeannesioux said...

I think it is really neat how you personalize these neckerchief slides and staves for your scouts. I am sure that will always be special to them. I think Grandpa and Dad are very proud of you.


Some Carvings I have done